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This term in LKS2, we are learning about the items in our classroom. 



Finally, we took part in a cafe!




We then made a menu of our own!

We then looked at the difference between un, unos, unas and una. 


We played a game of Snap and managed to match the un to the unos correctly!


We first looked at foods that belong to the masculine family in Spanish!

This term in Spanish we have been looking at how to order food from a cafeteria.


We have just wrote about our family in Spanish as well! 


We have just learnt how to use written sentences as well, and how to translate them directly into English, ready for our class to write our own piece!


We have also learnt how to use plural and how masculine and feminine words exist in Spanish and tell us who we are talking about!

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LKS2 have recapped how they present themselves and are now focusing on learning how to say their families in Spanish!


We have also wrote down them in sentences too!

We then looked at what the months are, and matched the correct month in Spanish to the one in English. 

First, we looked at what day of the week is what, and translated from English to Spanish to show our understanding.


This term in Spanish, Upper KS2 have been looking at the date in Spanish. 



Term 3

We then combined these and translated some sentences. 

We then learnt what people did at the weekend, and how we would say it in Spanish. 

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We had a go at telling the time in Spanish to help us understand how we can use this when we talk about our weekend!

In UKS2, children are learning about how to talk about the weekend in Spanish!