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Key Stage 1

Throughout this term, we have been learning all about striking and fielding. 

The first thing we learnt, is all about the importance of properly warming up before doing sport and exercise. To do this, we played some different games followed by some stretching.

We then moved onto learning what striking and fielding is. We practised rolling a ball away for our partner to retrieve. This replicated some fielding.

We learnt a fun new drill called Robin's Hood where we collect balls and bean bags from the middle and bring them to our home zones. We developed this activity later when we had learnt how to throw underarm and overarm.

Take a look at us throwing and catching! We have learnt how to throw underarm and over arm. We started off with bean bags before we moved onto catching and throwing balls. We have used our throwing skills in lots of different ways: throwing for distance, throwing to be caught, throwing to a target and even bowling balls.

We have also been striking balls with tennis rackets to see how far we can hit them. In groups, we had one person bowling the ball, one person striking the ball and one person fielding.