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At Greenfields, we are fully committed to giving all the children the building blocks and necessary opportunities to grow, develop and thrive in the wider world, embracing the challenges of a happy and successful adult life. Through our Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) curriculum, we teach children the statutory Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) objectives outlined by the Department for Education (DfE) 2019 and wider PSHE issues to support our children to grow into successful, contributing members of society. 

"Greenfields does a good job at teaching children about consent and their bodies." - Parent (Year 5 and Year 1)

Through RSE, Greenfields intend to teach children key skills to negotiate healthy relationships including the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, human sexuality and sexual health.

‘It is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development...understanding of the importance… of stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care [and] about the teaching of sex, sexuality and sexual health. It is not about the promotion of sexual orientation or sexual activity.’ - DfE 2019

Through PSHE learning, we intend to develop key skills for: maintaining physical and mental health; societal issues and dilemmas which may include racism, gang culture, homophobia, religious prejudice and ableism; economic understanding including managing money; wider learning such as road safety, personal safety, stranger danger, e-safety, fire safety and basic first aid.

Our PSHE/RSE curriculum follows three main strands:

  • Relationships where the focus is on understanding the characteristics and developing the building blocks of healthy, positive relationships with family members, friends, other children and adults.
  • Health and Wellbeing aims to develop children's skills in making good decisions about their own health and mental wellbeing. This includes growth, changes in the body and keeping ourselves and our bodies safe.
  • Living in the Wider World where the focus is developing children's understanding about laws and shared responsibilities, communities, media literacy, digital resilience and economic wellbeing.
"I think it is important that we learn more about the responsibilities that grown-ups have because you have lots of responsibilities as a grown-up." - Year 6 child

Interwoven into our RSE/PSHE curriculum at Greenfields lies SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development) and British Values (Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect, and Tolerance).

"It is important to set your own boundaries. If people cross it, tell them and tell a trusted adult. People should always ask consent before touching or doing something to you." - Year 4 Child

To see the ways in which the children have engaged in the PSHE curriculum this academic year, click on the '2023-2024' tab. For more information on how we cover our PSHE objectives, please click on the 'Key Documents' tab.