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Term 1

In term 1, KS1 learnt all about the Titanic.  As part of the learning experience, the children had a day immersed into the life of a Victorian and what their life would be like onboard the Titanic.  They dressed in Victorian costumes, learnt the timeline of the journey of the Titanic, looked at artefacts from ships in 1912 and discussed their importance, and learnt Morse Code.  Here are some photos to show the learning that took place.

In term 1, LKS2 learnt all about the Ancient Romans. To kick start their learning, they had a day full of learning about the Ancient Romans and their daily lives in an engaging and immersive way.  They created a human timeline of key historical events that occurred in Ancient Rome and Britain during the time of the Romans, learnt all about the Gods they worshipped, studied artefacts, played an Ancient Roman game and learnt about the homes they lived in as well as jobs people had at the time.  Here are some photos to show the learning that happened throughout the day.

In term 1, UKS2 were studying the Ancient Egyptians.  To kick start their learning, they had a fantastic hands on workshop day, where they were immersed into the history of Ancient Egypt.  They played Ancient Egyptian games, created Ancient Egyptian style jewellery, created a human timeline of historical events that happened during the period of the Ancient Egyptians, looked at artefacts, wrote in hieroglyphics and even mummified someone! Here are some photos to showcase immersive learning that took place.