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Term 3


Year R

'The World around us' 

Year R have been focusing their learning on the World around them. Looking at where they live, London and other countries further away. They identified similarities and differences in relation to the different places, comparing this to their immediate environment. 

The children looked at their local area, using maps and aerial photographs. They identified features of their immediate environments.

The children then created some of the buildings they had seen in their local area.

They went on a virtual bus tour of London to see all the major landmarks.

Once they have seen all the landmarks, they created their own, using a range of materials.

To see all of the other areas around the world they visited, please click on the link below. 


Nursery children have been exploring the seasonal change and identifying the features that have changed. 

They added items around their environment to create their own weather station




The Nursery children went on a walk around our local area and visited the Church. The children loved seeing the features of the Church and asked some brilliant questions.