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Sports Week

We began our week with a fun game of cricket!

We learnt some American Football skills

We learnt some Weightlifting techniques

We played some Table Tennis

We tried to Beat the Teacher

Miss Fanning - Strength, Miss Boddy - Speed, Miss Gibson - Endurance, Miss Jones - Accuracy

We joined Year 4 for a game of Kinball

Term 4

In Learning Experience this term, we will be learning about electrical circuits in DT, classifications in science, orienteering in geography and diversity and acceptance in PSHE. In English, we will be reading Me, My Dad and the End of the Rainbow alongside The Barnabus Project and will be focusing on Writing to Inform. In maths, we will be covering shape and position and directions. PE this term will be gym and orienteering.


During this Learning Experience, we will be learning about how land has developed over time, the difference in land use in different areas and locating specific places on a map using coordinates. Then, we will develop our ability to navigate using a compass around school and then further this during our trip to Bedgebury. For more details, please take a look at our knowledge organiser below.


We had so much fun at Bedgebury! We found the codes from the OS map and then explored the forest to find hidden playgrounds.

Year 6 had so much fun on their Scavenger Hunt around school. Each clue gave a new instruction where we had to use our compass. They did so well!


During this Learning Experience, we will be learning about how animals can be classified. We will also be using our research of animals to create branching diagrams. We will be researching, recording and drawing conclusions. For more details, please take a look at our knowledge organiser below.



During this Learning Experience we will be learning how to make a doorbell. We will begin by choosing our target audience and creating a design to accommodate them. We will plan our doorbell through cross-sectional and exploded diagrams. We will then create the circuit and the casing for the doorbell. We will finish our Learning Experience by evaluating our finished product and creating an advertisement. For more details, please take a look at our knowledge organiser below!


One of our doorbells in action

We have built our doorbell casings and circuits

Term 3

In Learning Experience this term, we will be learning about electricity in science, web design in computing and Islam in RE. In English, we will be reading Holes and will be focusing on Writing to Persuade. In maths, we will be covering ratio, algebra and fractions. PE this term will be dance through history with Mr Copeland and netball with Mr Bentley.


During this Learning Experience, we will be developing our understanding of the religion of Islam. We will be asking ourselves 3 main questions. Who is a Muslim and what do they believe? Is it better to express yourself in art and architecture or charity and generosity? What does it mean to be Muslim in Britain today? We will also have an exciting and informative trip to the Maidstone Islamic Centre. For more details, please take a look at our knowledge organiser below! 


Year 6 really enjoyed their trip to the Maidstone Islamic Centre!

Web Design (A Spider's Favourite Job!)

During this Learning Experience, we will build on our knowledge of webpages and HTML in order to design and build a website. We will begin by analysing existing websites before using a program called Just2Easy to build our own. We will improve our websites by evaluating their ease of use, aesthetics and functionality. For more details, please take a look at our knowledge organiser below! 

Web Design

In the first creating lesson, we generated our own website logos and made links between our different pages.


We began our Learning Experience by analysing existing websites and exploring the website designer that we will be using to create our own.

Watt an idea!

During this Learning Experience, we will be learning all about electricity. We will be exploring different types of circuit analysing the effectiveness of each one. We will be learning about the different electrical symbols along with using these in drawing our own circuits. We will deepen our understanding with an exciting trip to the Science Museum in London.

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.


We had so much fun at the Science Museum! A day full of first-time adventures.

Today, we used our knowledge of symbols to recreate given circuits.

Elm Trees have been learning about series circuits and parallel circuits. They have even created their own!

Term 2

In Learning Experience this term, we will be learning about the Human Body in science, Set Design in art, Rock 'n' Roll to Rap in music and Drugs and Alcohol in PSHE. In English, we will be reading Crater Lake and will be focusing on Writing to Entertain. In maths, we will be covering fractions and converting measurements. PE this term will be gymnastics with Mr Copeland and Quidditch with Mr Bentley.

3D Set Design

During this Learning Experience, we will be learning lots of different art skills which we will be applying when we create a replica of part of the set of Harry Potter. At the beginning of the Learning Experience, we will (very excitingly) be going to Harry Potter World Studios! Then, we will use all of the inspiration from our trip and from artist Stewart Craig along with our developing art skills to recreate a specific aspect of the Harry Potter set.

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.

3D Set Design

Our amazing final set designs! All of their work really did pay off!

          Gryffindor Common Room                  Gringotts destroyed by the dragon

                   By Seraya, Caitlin, Lily and Khloe                                      By Mahdiya, Daisy-MAe, Avrora and Preeyah

                  The Great Hall                                                Aragog's cave

            By Alfie, Frankie-Alan, James and Iyaaz                                     By Nancy-Sue, Kye, Erin and Phoebe-Mae


Some of our amazing sketches from the studios.

Harry Potter Studios

What an amazing start to a Learning Experience! The children had so much fun at the Harry Potter Studios!

We be-lung together, you aorta believe it!

In this Learning Experience, we will be learning all about the human body. We will begin by looking at the positioning of the different organs in a human body. Then, we will focus in on the circulatory system, which organs are part of this system and their purpose. We will follow this with an exciting visit from an explorer dome. We will look closer at each of the organs including a dissection of a heart. Finally, we will move on to our digestive system before completing our Learning Experience on the effects drugs, alcohol and healthy eating have on our bodies.

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.

Human Body


Here are just some photos of the brilliant work Elm Trees have been producing in their books.

Lamb Heart Dissection

It was fascinating dissecting the lamb hearts. We found the different chambers and explored how the veins and arteries connect into them. We also found out that different sections have thicknesses and why.

Explorer Dome

We were visited by an amazing explorer dome teaching us all about the human body.


We began our Learning Experience by discovering the placements of different organs in the human body.

Term 1

In Learning Experience this term, we will be learning about the ancient Maya in history, Natural Disasters in geography, HTML in computing and Money in PSHE. In English, we will be reading The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and will be focusing on Writing to Inform. In maths, we will be covering place value, addition and subtraction. PE this term will be Yoga with Mr Copeland and Rugby with Mr Bentley.

Lanyard Treat

Well done to all of Year 6 for a great term! We had so much fun at our first Lanyard Treat of the year with bowling and the arcade!


During this week-long focus week, we will be investigating ways to be money smart. We will be looking at mortgages, different types of bank account, budgeting and shopping prices. We will end our focus week by looking at how to make safe choices with our money and applying all of our new skills to planning for a family of four.


During this Learning Experience, we will be learning about Hyper-text Markup Language (HTML). We will be using our knowledge of this to create our own webpages about natural disasters including images, hyperlinks and embedded websites.

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.


Before creating our final piece, we created a practice test to apply all of our new codes and vocabulary.

We began our Learning Experience by discovering what HTML is and how we can use it to communicate with the computer.

The earth-quakes with fear!

During this Learning Experience, we will be learning all about natural disasters. We will begin by learning about the different layers of the earth and tectonic plates. Then, we will focus in on specific natural disasters including volcanos, earthquakes and tsunamis.


For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.

Natural Disasters

We completed our Learning Experience by researching a natural disaster of our choosing.

In today's lesson we learnt about earthquakes and tsunamis.

Elm Trees enjoyed learning about volcanoes and drawing our impressive diagrams.

Today we learnt about the tectonic plates

We began our Learning Experience learning about the layers of the earth.

Murderous Maya!

Our first Learning Experience this year will be all about the ancient civilisation Maya. We will begin by learning where the Mayan civilisation lived and prominent places within it. Then we will be creating a timeline including groundbreaking achievements made during this period. We will then be taking part in a school-run workshop to fully immerse ourselves into the history. We will build upon this further throughout lessons digging deeper into areas such as maths, astronomy and hierarchy.


For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.

Maya Knowledge Organiser


Our new exciting maths resources!

Our first rugby lesson

Our first yoga lesson

Maya Workshop

Elm Trees started their workshop day by investigating Mayan artefacts. Elm's favourite fact:

One of their Kings became King at just 12 years old!

Then, we made our extravagant headpieces.

We also played the ancient game of Pok-a-Tok. You can't use your hands or feet so this took a lot of focus!

We came together to celebrate a great sacrifice with a traditional dance of the Maya.

And finally ended our day with a sacrifice to the gods!