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Term 3

Foxes Socks

This week's book is a rhyming tale all about a Fox who has lost his socks and uses his friends to help him find them. The children enjoyed a rhyming activity and a sock hunt around the room. We also shared the story of The Smartest Giant in town by the same author and the children used their creative skills to dress their own giants, using scrap materials and practised their scissor skills to cut the fabric. 






PE with Mr Brooks

In PE this week we went on a pirate adventure. The children had to use their spacial awareness to move around the 'sea', we had to use our cannonballs to knock over the trees, we had to scrub the decks, climb the ladders and then creep carefully around the sleeping pirate, being careful not to wake him. The children absolutely loved taking part.



In child initiated learning, the children were very busy with building, sharing, playdough investigating, using their clever thinking to negotiate the cars around the tracks and showing off their physical confidence on the large play equipment. 



The Three Billy Goatas Gruff

This week's story has been a lot of fun. The children enjoyed sharing the story and there has been lots of counting the three goats and seeing if they could be as loud and scary as the troll! For our adult-led activities, we have been busy sizing up the goats and trolls, seeing if we can spot which was the biggest or smallest goat and then put them in order of big, medium or small. We had a go at building bridges for the goats to trip trap over before the trolls popped up. 



White Rose Maths

This week's maths has been focusing on 1,2,3. The children have been exploring objects to the number 3, seeing if they could show us 1,2 or 3 of an object, counting to 3 and building towers 3 high.


PE with Mr Brooks

This week we joined Plums and had a whole hour's PE! The children really enjoyed all being together. We worked on listening and following instructions, ball control and being witches and wizards! 


During child initiated times this week the children have been very focused. They have had a shop in Peach Trees, which has been very popular. Boxes arrived and the children's imagination went wild. We had cars, boats, planes and even a cave! 



Poo in the Zoo

This week the children have been enjoying the book Poo in the Zoo. During our adult directed times, we shared the story, investigated 'poo' and discussed who might have done it, been on a zoo animal hunt around the school and sung animal songs such as 'the animals went in 2 by 2' and 'down in the jungle' 



White Rose Maths

In maths this week we have been looking at the numbers 1, 2 and 3. We have counted up to 3 on our fingers, the children have shown me 1, 2 or 3 fingers, we have sung the songs 'Tommy thumb', 'Two little dickie birds' and '3 blind mice'. We also shared the story of Three Bunnies by Beatrix Potter. 


PE with Mr Brooks

This week was our final week of the obstacle course. We warmed up with a few exercises using balls and the children really showed how well they can listen and follow directions.  Mr Brooks made some of it quite tricky, with ramps going up and down and a wobbly beam.  The children really impressed us with their confidence navigating the whole course.




While a child initiated, the children were very busy! They have been learning to share whilst using the train tracks, building with different blocks, making tea in the home corner, doing some large scale art with the dabbers and re-enacting stories with the teddies.



Three Little Pigs

The children have really enjoyed this week's book and have been very animated learning the story. For adult directed activities we have made our own pig faces and collaged houses using straw, sticks and printing bricks from paint. 



White Rose Maths

This weeks maths has been focusing on position and space. We shared the story "Duck in the Truck" and the children then explored various objects and whether they would fit inside a box or not, discussing if they knew why it wouldn't fit.  We also built roads to see if they could travel along the road or next to the road. 



PE with Mr Brooks

We continued the obstacle course this week with a few changes. The children had to use their courage and balancing skills to go over the bridges and large pebbles. Their confidence in travelling around school is growing, and they cope very well with this transition.


During child initiated learning, the children continued to settle into their new routines and the children enjoyed exploring the outside areas and enjoying shared play with Pear Tree class in the big playground area. Inside we have been building, chopping and mark making.



5 Little Monkeys

A warm welcome back to our families, what a brilliant first week back we have had. It has been lovely to see so many happy faces

This weeks focus has been on the songs 5 Little monkeys jumping on the bed and 5 little monkeys swinging in the tree. During our adult directed times, we enjoyed learning the songs and doing the actions, tested our listening skills with sound games and having to guess the animal making the sounds, something the children really enjoyed and were amazing at.  


PE With Mr Brooks

Each week we will having PE with Mr Brooks. This week we completed a fun obstacle course! The children really enjoyed this, they tested their physical skills as well as their resilience and teamwork



White Rose Maths

This week we have focused on joining in with repeats. The children used the song of the week as part of this. They sang really well and enjoyed counting on their fingers as the numbers decreased. We built with small blocks to create repeating patterns and tried to get the next shape right. 


Peach Tree Class has had a very busy time during child initiated learning. They have been busy making tea and coffee in the water tray, exploring the dressing up and home corner, building train tracks, following patterns and making biscuits with play dough! 




Wind the Bobbin Up

This week we have been covering the song 'Wind the Bobbin Up'. The children loved singing this familiar song and doing the actions. We varied the actions and the way we have sung it, with doing it fast, slow, loudly and quietly! Other adult directed activities have included winding up our own bobbins with wool and card, having a festive stay and play with the parents and a visit to the campfire.




White Rose Maths

This weeks focus in maths has been seeing numbers 1,2, and 3 in the environment. We have read the story of the 3 little pigs and 3 Billy Goats Gruff, using the images on the pages to count how many of each animal we can see. The children really got engrossed with this and it was a good way to introduce counting and observation.

During child initiated learning, the children have been very creative, both artistically and with building.  They have used collaging techniques to create different pictures. There has been some beautiful sharing and learning alongside each other too.




For our final Boogie Tot session of this term we had a special visit from Candy the Elf!  Singing and dancing to Christmas songs, going on a reindeer conga and having an indoor snowball fight! The children collaborated all the songs and dances they have learnt over the term and remembered them so well.


Be Brave Little Penguin

The children have really enjoyed all the adult-led activities this week. We have listened to the story about Pip-Pip the penguin and spoke about how we can sometimes feel scared, but when we do, being brave can lead to good things. The children created penguin pictures, built and tested their courage on their own obstacle course and enjoyed a music lesson using the tapping sticks along to various tunes and directions. 




White Rose Maths

This week in maths we have been looking at repeating patterns. We read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what can you see? and sung 'Do you know the Muffin Man? and 'If you are happy and you know it'. The children picked these up well and we began to explain the meaning of repeating being saying something over and over.


While in child initiated the children had a great time exploring the new pasta machine, they got to turn the handle and see what happened to the dough. There were lots of beautiful turn taking and helping each other. We have been building and washing up and bathing babies.


Boogie Tots

For Boogie Tots this week we danced our way through the story of the Gingerbread man. The children enjoyed running as fast as they could, pretending to be animals featured in the story and then saving the Gingerbread man from the fox!


This week's focus book has been Titch. A story that explains to children that being small doesn't mean you can't be mighty. For our adult-directed activities we discussed the book and spoke about different sizes within the environment, we planted a bean and spoke about how to care for them and made pinwheels. We also made big noises and small noises with the instruments. 



White Rose Maths

This week we have been looking at numbers and sequencing, so we have sung rhymes such as 'one, two, buckle my shoe' and '1,2,3,4,5 once i caught a fish alive'. We have looked for items to count in the environment too. 


Boogie Tots

This week in boogie tots the children demonstrated excellent listening and following directions. They are growing in confidence every session, and it's lovely to see them remembering some of the songs and dances from previous weeks. They also had to walk the plank this week too. We were very brave!



Guess how much I love you

The children have had a great time focusing their learning around this book. For our adult directed activities, we listened to the story and spoke about the characters and what animals they were and different ways we can measure how much we love or care for each other. The children really enjoyed making photo frames for a family picture and have loved seeing them displayed in the classroom. We also made a yummy biscuit and enjoyed these on a little picnic, where we shared the story outside whilst sitting under blankets.





White Rose Maths

During this week in maths we concentrated on numbers. We sang various number songs including '1,2,3,4,5...once I caught a fish alive' and '1 potato, 2 potato'. This helped develop the children's knowledge of number order in fun way. 


Boogie Tots

Over the last few weeks we have enjoyed Boogie Tots. This is a high-energy dancing session, which the children love! They dance, listen and follow directions. 



Dear Zoo

This week's book is Dear Zoo by Rod Cambell and the children have enjoyed it greatly. During our adult directed time, the children listened to the story and tried to guess what animal was hiding on each page. We have spoken about the different sounds the animals make and where we think they might live. We have made our own letters to the zookeepers, working on our scissor skills and animal knowledge. 



Remembrance Day

To mark Remembrance Day, the children made a poppy collage to go on the window and watched a short animation whilst sitting in a moment of reflection.


White Rose Maths

In our final week of patterns, the children were seeing if they could carry on patterns using coloured paints and building with blocks. We also sang repetitive rhymes, such as Polly put the kettle on and Twinkle, Twinkle little star. 


During our very busy child initiated time the children have been exploring animal printing with footprints in paint, mixing up potions in the outside water area and chopping up veggies for dinner. We have been counting and enjoying our snacks with friends.



Humpty Dumpty

This week the children have been focusing on the song Humpty Dumpty. We have been singing the song everyday and adding actions. The children loved pretending to 'fall off the wall'! During the adult led activities the children have made their own Humpty Dumpty's using paper plates and then developing their scissor skills to add cracks. They then used their fine motor skills to apply plasters and see if they could fix poor Humpty.



White Rose Maths

In maths this week we have been focusing on patterns. For this we have sung songs such as 'Polly put the kettle on' and 'The Grand old Duke of York'. The children loved marching along to this and soon picked up the rhyme due to the repeating lyrics. We also looked at repeating patterns in shapes. 




In our child initiated time, the fun learning continued. The children enjoyed being outside in the leaves, throwing them up and chasing through them. We had spice mixing in the play-dough and cooked up lovely dinners with the lentils and pasta in the home corner.  The children loved using boxes to create a fort for the superheroes too!



If you're happy and you know it

The children really enjoyed learning this song and learning the actions.  During our adult directed time, we have looked at the different sounds we make with our bodies, for example, clapping our hands, slapping our thighs and making up our own verses of the song. The children used instruments to play along too. We have been very creative! The children learnt a bit more about autumn and created some sun catcher pictures using natural resources and have loved seeing the effects of the sun shining through onto the carpet.



White Rose Maths

In maths this week we extended our building knowledge and used real life materials to enhance the building. This created an opportunity for the children to explore weight and different surfaces and textures to build upon. 


During our child initiated time, the fun continued with mark making in spices and salt, dressing up, building train tracks and making friends, searching for the conkers and painting a giant spider's web! 




This week's focus book is Hugasaurus by Rachel Bright and is all about a little dinosaur who solves her friendship issues with kindness. For our adult-directed activities, we shared the story together, decorated dinosaur biscuits and developed our scissor skills to cut out dinosaur bones and make a skeleton. We ended the week with a dinosaur hunt in the woods!





White Rose Maths

This week in maths we focused on building with various shapes and blocks. We listened to the song 'Build it up' and then had a go at building towers of our own. 



The fun continued in child initiated time, the children have been chopping vegetables in the mud kitchen, they made a huge ball run with the pipe, that has been so popular! The children enjoyed a stay and play session with their grown-ups and loved sharing all the fun things we do each day. We have explored sticking and painting too.



The Ugly Duckling

The children have really enjoyed this week's story, and they have been very busy during our Adult Directed activities. After reading the story and talking about how the duckling felt, we looked at differences between ourselves, focusing on hair colour and length, clothing and shoes, then we looked at size differences between objects. The children made me so proud on our walk to the park, they listened incredibly and walked sensibly. It was great fun playing on the swings and jumping in the puddles. 




White Rose Maths

This week in maths we have been looking at collections of buttons and working out whether we have more than or fewer than. The children went on a button hunt around the room and then looked to see if they had collected more big buttons or more smaller ones. Next, they sorted the 2 different coloured button collections into the correct piles.


While in child initiated the children have been very busy, exploring dressing up, being creative with painting on different mediums, building towers and looking at the effects of the sun shining through the coloured shapes.



That's not my Dinosaur...

This week's focus has been on the book 'That's not my Dinosaur', a book all about textures. For our adult-directed activities, we have looked at various books in that series, discussing the textures and looking at the different features of the theme of the book. We have made salt dough fossils. The children enjoyed mixing and rolling the dough, and they were fascinated by the imprints left by the dinosaur figures. The children went on a big adventure to the large sandpit to dig for dinosaur bones, using large shovels and wheelbarrows.




This week we covered more than, fewer than and the same.

We used natural resources to look at which coconut shell had more than and which had fewer than. We then tried to get them both the same. The children tried really hard at this activity. 


While in child initiated time, the children have been busy building with the large blocks in the garden and the smaller blocks in the classroom, using the tap-tap to design patterns and pictures, dressing up in the hats and using real food to make a dinner in the home corner. 




This week's activities linked to the book Hug have been great fun. The children enjoyed listening to the story and talking about what animals they could see and discussing the emotions that the monkey was feeling. We looked at images of different emotions and spoke about how they felt. We made yummy banana bread. The children loved mixing, measuring and telling us what the ingredients were. We then looked at animal families and discussed where they lived and what sounds they make.



During their learning time, the children explored animal habitats, painting and blending colours, building towers with different resources and marking making on different surfaces. The children had great fun whizzing the cars down the ramps and seeing how far they whizzed across the room!



Heads, shoulders, knees and toes

In Peach Tree class this week we have been focusing on the song 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes'. The children have listened to the song every day and have become more and more confident with the dance moves as the week has gone on. During our adult-directed activities, we have made faces and bodies out of loose parts, tested our knowledge of where some of our body parts were, using teddies and had a great time during music, using claves to tap along to a song and seeing how we could use them to make different sounds.





During child initiated the children were very creative with painting and printing, using their imaginations to explore the play dough and had a great time pushing our physical skills when we went into the shared garden and had a go on the large play equipment.



Getting to know you

The children have been very busy this week during their child-initiated times and have enjoyed embracing all the wonderful opportunities available to them. 



For our adult directed time, the children have been showing us how high they could build towers, using different materials and count how many bricks high it was. They completed peg puzzles and we even enjoyed a very noisy music lesson where the children were learning how to play with control. 




Term 1 

A very warm welcome to our new families.  The children are gradually settling in, getting used to the new routines and exploring their new environments and making new friends. 

This week we have focused on getting to know the children. We enjoyed stories and singing, investigating the playdough, using various art materials and building with different resources. Whilst the weather has been kind to us, we explored the outside areas too.