Term 3
We will start this term by looking at 'The Colour Monster', beginning with PSHE, learning about feelings before looking at art and finger painting. We then move on to the book 'Fish', looking at materials and the environment. After that, we will look at computing and 'Giraffe's Can't Dance' before moving on to more PSHE with the book 'Pink is for Boys', looking at aspirations for the future. In phonics, we will start with another assessment week, followed by a week of consolidation. We will then move on to double-letter graphemes, alphabetical order and vowels and consonants to finish off chapter two of Phonics Shed. In maths, we will look at numbers to five, mass and capacity, the numbers 6, 7, 8 and length, height and time.
Giraffes Can't Dance (Computing)
This week in Cherry Trees, we have been looking at the book 'Giraffes Can't Dance' by Giles Andreae, focusing on computing. We have been learning how to use technology purposefully to create digital content by using different tools on iPads to explore and create simple scenes and effects.
'Fish' (Science)
This week in Cherries, we have been looking at the book 'Fish', focusing on Science. We looked at different materials and described their properties e.g., soft, hard, smooth, shiny. We also investigated which objects float and sink in water trays, and looked at different objects in ice.
Our Aquarium Trip
We visited Hastings Aquarium and loved looking at all the different sea animals! We also walked along the beach to read our story and look at the boats!
Mass and Capacity
In Maths, we have been looking at mass and capacity. We have been using balance scales to explore items that are heavier and lighter. We have also been using different containers to explore capacity.
'The Colour Monster' (Art)
This week in Cherries, we continued looking at the book 'The Colour Monster' with a focus on Art. We experimented with colour and used a range of media to create different effects.
Cherry Trees Art Gallery
We created our very own Art Gallery to show our grown-ups our amazing artwork! We also showed off our art skills by doing different activities, it was so much fun!
Amazing Child-Initiated Learning!
'The Colour Monster' (PSHE)
This week in Cherries we have been looking at 'The Colour Monster' with a focus on PSHE. We have been learning about the different emotions, how we can express those emotions and how they make our bodies feel. We created our own emotion jars where we drew the different emotions we may feel. We also created our own Colour Monster based off the emotion we were feeling. We drew the expression on the Colour Monster and then drew different pictures around the Colour Monster with things that make us feel that way.
Colour Monster in Child-Initiated Learning
Term 2
Throughout this term, Cherries will be looking at the book 'The Best Diwali Ever' focusing on RE. We will then be looking at the book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt', focusing on both Computing and Geography, before moving onto the book 'Good Little Wolf' with a focus on Music. To finish the term off, we will be looking at the book 'A Christmas Story' focusing on RE. This Term in Phonics, we will be learning Chapter 2 Sets 5-7. In Maths, we will be learning about circles and triangles, numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and shapes with four sides.
'A Christmas Story' (RE)
In Cherries this week, we have been looking at the book 'A Christmas Story' by Brian Wildsmith.
Father Christmas visits Year R!
We had a very special visit from Father Christmas! We were super excited!
To support our learning of The Christmas Story, we visited St Martins Church for tea and toast!
Christmas Campfire
We had so much fun at our Christmas Campfire. We loved singing songs and eating our biscuits.
To support our learning of The Christmas Story, we did lots of Christmas activities and crafts.
'Good Little Wolf' (Music)
This week in Cherry Trees we have been looking at the book 'Good Little Wolf' focusing on Music. We learnt how to find and follow the beat of different music types. We explored different nursery rhymes and learnt both words and movements when performing.
'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' (Geography)
This week in Cherry, we have continued to look at the book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen but focused on Geography. We looked at different maps of our local area and found our school! We also created our own Bear Hunt maps using both natural and man-made materials, to show the journey the family in the story made.
We also went on our own Bear Hunt at Cobtree Manor Park! We crept through the forest and mud to find the bear. We're not scared!
We celebrated surviving our bear hunt with a trip to the playground!
'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' (Computing)
This week, Cherries have been basing their learning on the book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen. We have been learning about programming and algorithms. We used the program 'Matalab' to program the robot to go on a bear hunt.
Circles and Triangles
In Maths, we have been looking at circles and triangles. We create our own circles and triangles by finding the shapes in our environment and imprinting them onto playdough!
We have also been using circles and triangles to create simple patterns.
'The Best Diwali Ever' (RE)
This week Cherries have been looking at the book 'The Best Diwali Ever' by Sonali Shah, basing our learning on Hinduism and the celebration of Diwali.
We recreated a Diwali festival by making salt-dough Diya lamps whilst playing Indian music. We also created our own Mehndi designs.
We used bright-coloured rice to create different Rangoli patterns.
We enjoyed some yummy Indian-inspired foods as a part of our Diwali celebration. We ate Naan bread, poppadoms, dates, mango chutney and tried Chai tea!
Term 1
This term, we will be welcoming a brand-new cohort to Greenfields. We start by looking at the poem 'Each Peach, Pear Plum' to help support the children who moved up from our nursery rooms. We will then begin looking at 'One Family', focusing on Art and History, before moving onto the book 'Meesha Makes Friends' in PSHE. We will then be looking at the book 'Let's Celebrate Navrati' followed by 'Funny Bones', focusing on PSHE and Science. We end term one by looking at the book 'The Best Pumpkin Soup' with a focus on DT. We will begin Phonics in Week 2, starting with a recap of Chapter 1 on Phonics Shed, followed by Sets 1-4 of Chapter 2. In Week 3, we begin our Maths coverage, starting with two weeks on matching and comparing, followed by two weeks on pattern and measure and two weeks introducing 1, 2, 3. Our P.E. focus for this term will be Invasion Games with Mr Brooks.
Pumpkin Soup (DT)
This week we have been looking at the book 'Pumpkin Soup', focusing on DT. We have been practising our cutting and peeling techniques to prepare different vegetables for our soup.
We even visited Pumpkin Moon to explore the variety of different pumpkin shapes, sizes and colours. We had so much fun going through the corn maze.
Funny Bones (Science)
We continued looking at the book 'Funny Bones' but focusing on Science. We discussed how we are animals that are called humans and that many animals have skeletons inside them. We looked at the human body and identified the different parts, as well as looked at how we have grown since birth.
Funny Bones (PSHE)
In Cherry Trees this week, we have been looking at the book 'Funny Bones', focusing on managing our own needs, including personal hygiene. We started by discussing things that support our physical health and wellbeing, including physical activity, healthy eating, toothbrushing, moderation of screen time and a good bedtime routine. We had a go doing each of these activities and even brought our toothbrushes into school!
In Maths this week, we have been focusing on creating repeating patterns.
Let's Celebrate Navratri (RE)
This week in Cherry Trees we have been looking at the book 'Let's Celebrate Navratri'. Navratri is a Hindu festival held in honour of the Hindu goddesses. We learnt all about the traditions and activities that occur during Navratri, like dancing, singing folk songs, chanting and wearing brightly coloured clothes. We had a go at the Dandiya dance, which is dancing with wooden sticks, as well as creating our own Navratri celebration outfits using different materials.
Meesha Makes Friends (PSHE)
This week we have been looking at the book 'Meesha Makes Friends'. We started by discussing how we can be good friends and sharing stories about our friendships and families. We also discussed how we can be respectful towards others by listening and understanding the importance of listening. We drew portraits of our friends and even created a friendship flower where each petal represented qualities that make us good friends.
We also focused on taking turns and being a kind friend in the learning environment.
One Family (History)
We continued looking at the book 'One Family', focusing on History. We started by looking at each other's family photos, and comparing them to our own. We then created our own family tree, by adding in all of our family members!
Using playdough, we created 'Sam the Snake', our new friend from Phonics Shed!
In Maths, we have been learning about matching and sorting. We know that for objects to match they have to be the same! We started by matching the objects by colour, we then looked at matching a set. We even had a go at a fun memory game of trying to match the right fish and Alphabet snap!
Learning Time!
Cherries had an amazing week! They had lots of fun exploring the environment and showing their creativity!
One Family (Art)
This week we looked at the story 'One Family', focusing on art. We have been discussing our families and sharing what we love doing together. To get started, we practised holding a pencil correctly, which led to amazing self-portraits that showed their unique differences and personalities, followed by family portraits. We had lots of fun creating our own self-portraits using both natural and man-made materials, as well as creating our family members using playdough. We even had a go at recreating artwork by Brenda Zlamany and Anna Bregman! It was very exciting to experiment with a range of tools, including pens, pencils, crayons, paint, and charcoal.
Each Peach, Pear Plum
We made delicious fruit kebabs! We tried to make repeating patterns using peaches, pears and plums - they were very yummy!
Our First P.E. Lesson
We had the best time at our first ever P.E. lesson with Mr Brooks!
The story 'Each Peach, Pear Plum' helped us to settle into our new classrooms as we remembered our respective nurseries. We have been exploring our new environment, learning how to sit on the carpet during adult-led learning time and tidying away our resources.