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Over the next two weeks, during our computing topic, Chestnut's will learn how to write, program and debug algorithms on a Micro:bits. We will specifically learn how to input a simple algorithm that includes variables so that a specific output is created. Once we have learnt how to create our algorithm on the iPads, we will download the program and execute through bluetooth onto a micro:bit device.

We created a banana piano out of fruit and our micro:bits!

This is the code we created to play rock paper scissors with our micro:bits.




During our next learning experience, we will be identifying different types of bones in the human body and thinking about their function. We will explore the skeletons of different types of animals, and look at both exoskeletons and endoskeletons to answer our key question: Are all skeletons the same?  Then, we will look at how muscles and joints work together to allow our bodies to move in the way they do.



During our Art Learning experience, we will be focusing on human sculpture. We will identify features of a human sculpture, including shapes and lines and human form. We will discuss and study the work of two artists, Emily Motto and Anthony Gormley, and will take part in a workshop by Emily Motto herself. Chestnuts will enjoy an amazing trip to the Turner Art Gallery in Margate, where we will see work by both Anya Gallaccio and Anthony Gormley. Finally, we will create our very own free-standing human sculpture out of wire, clay and recyclable materials.






Our final learning experience this term, is being a good citizen. We will look at rules, values and responsibilities and link this to school rules, British values and laws. We will look at the consequences of breaking the law and the age of criminal responsibilities. Finally, we will investigate our human rights and how we can protect them.


In music, we have been looking at Reggae music, and are learning to play the glockenspiel. 

So far we have learnt the song Three Little Birds by Bob Marley.

We have also looked at composing and improvising.


Stone Age to Iron Age

This week we have learnt more about the Bronze Age and how the bronze travelled from Europe. Then Chestnut's had a great time with their parental engagement activities in which we built stone-age houses and some cave art. 




This week Chestnuts have explored items from the Stone Age. Then we looked at Skara Brae and what this can tell us about the Stone Age. We will continue to look at the Bronze Age and move onto the Iron Age at the end of next week.




Chestnuts will explore what life was like during the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages.  We will explore how humans  survived by looking at their houses, their food and their communities. We will then look at how bronze and iron changed the lives of early humans. Finally, we will use our learning to answer the question: Would you rather have lived in the Stone, Bronze or Iron Age?


During our amazing Stone Age trip to Kent Life we had many workshops and learnt all about cave art, in which the children had a go at drawing their own cave art, trading, hunting, farming weapons and grinding grain. We even met a tribe member! In our downtime we visited the park, farm, shop and had a very bumpy train ride.  




Religious Education 

Chestnuts' next topic is Christianity. We will be looking at what Christians believe about God, why Christians pray and what it means to be a Christian today. To answer these questions, we will look at the Bible, study artwork and listen to first-hand accounts.

Chestnuts began by looking at what some Christians believe about God. We examined stained-glass windows, pictures, quotes from the bible and symbols. 

Next we looked at why and how Christians pray and compared Christianity's holy books, places and prayer to Judaism. 




Cooking and Nutrition- 

This week, we have been learning all about balanced diets.  We have learnt about where our food comes from and how far it has travelled before it gets to our plates. Finally, we headed to New Line Academy to prepare and cook our very own ratatouille.


This is week in computing, we are creating our own e-books on Internet Safety using the Key Notes app on our iPads. So far we have looked at all the different controls on the Key Notes app. We have now planned and created our E-Books. Check them out on your child's SeeSaw account. 


Internet Safety and Harm

This week we have looked at internet safety. We began by looking at ways we use the internet every day and the importance of limiting screen time. Then we had a go at sorting real and fake news, using the SHARE Checklist. Finally, we looked at how to keep safe online. 


Country Comparison

We have started our new topic, and it is all about Country Comparisons. So far, we have looked at the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. We have also worked on our atlas skills and have tried to start labelling some of the counties in England.

This week we have focussed on London and its physical and human features, ready to compare London and Rome next week. We have found out all about London's landmarks and have even made some out of playdoh! We have also made some amazing posters all about London. 

Chestnut’s joined the year 3’s from Maple’s and we all had a lovely trip along the river Medway on The Kentish Lady. We had a look at physical and human landmarks we could see along the way and counted a lot of boats.

We finished off our topic by comparing England and London to Italy and Rome.



Our first learning experience is forces! Chestnut class will look at how different forces work. We have already started exploring magnets and classifying objects made from various materials. We have begun looking at gravity and tested out some parachutes. Next week we will be exploring friction and air resistance.

During our second week of forces, we looked at friction using a ramp and small car and air resistance where we made our own paper spinners to look at how gravity and air resistance work against each other. We have also worked on the skills of predicting and evaluating our experiments.