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Happy - Music

This term in Music we will be looking at the song Happy. We will be appraising the song, along with similar and contrasting songs. We will then learn to sing the song, before developing our playing skills by learning how to play it on the glockenspiel. 

During Term 4, we will be covering music, Vikings in history, AR and VR in computing and health and PSHE. In maths, we will be covering statistics and shape. In English, we will be writing to inform taking inspiration from our class books Once and How To Live Forever. Check our class page to keep up to date with our learning.

Green Religion - RE  

For this learning experience, we will be looking at the key question: What do religious and non-religious world views teach about caring for the earth? To do this, we will analyse and interpret key religious teachings about the earth through a variety of sources. We will compare religious views and non-religious beliefs and their responses to environmental problems. Finally, we will think about our own views about what is needed to 'save the Earth'. 

Hastings Trip 

We had great fun on our trip to Hastings to visit the home of Eerie-on-Sea, where Malamander is set. We got to see the infamous Grand Nautilus Hotel and see the pier, which is home to Seegol's Diner. We enjoyed fish and chips on the beach just like Violet and Herbie.


Pastels - Art 

To begin this learning experience, we look at the artist Jon Lomberg analysing his work and annotating features of it. After this, we will take inspiration from his artwork to apply it to replicating photos from space. We will use oil pastels and experiment with different techniques such as blending, scumbling, layering and using negative space effectively. Finally, we will create our own artwork inspired by a space scene. 

We practised various techniques to incorporate in our final pieces. 

We began the learning experience by looking at the artist Jon Lomberg looking at his artwork. After that, we applied his techniques to photos of space.


Earth and Space - Science 

During this learning experience, we will look at the Solar System, the Milky Way. We will describe the movement of the planets relative to the sun. Additionally, focussing on the Earth's rotation and how this links to day and night as well as the Earth's tilt, creating seasons. To finish the learning experience, we will be conducting our own research, exploring big questions such as 'Can humans live on Mars?' 

We finished the learning experience by investigating our own research questions and presented our findings using Canva or a poster. 

Throughout this learning experience, we have used different sources to conduct our own research. We began with a class question: 'Why can't we live in another Solar System?' and presented our findings.

We had a special visit to the Astrodome, which was great!

We ordered the planets in our solar system and learnt about their relative sizes. 


This term, we will be covering Music specifically, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, a country study, and Properties of Materials and Health and Prevention. In maths, we will focus on fractions, while in English, we will focus on writing to entertain. We will be using the books 'Tyger' by SF Said and 'The Highway Man' to support this. 

Health, Prevention and First Aid - PSHE

During this learning experience, we will learn to recognise early signs of physical illness, the importance of sleep and how to reduce the risk of sun damage. After this, we will look at dental and personal hygiene and understand how germs, bacteria and viruses spread so we can help prevent them. Finally, we will learn how to deal with common injuries through basic first aid.

We identified potential hazards and then played a role by calling for help in an emergency. 


We created posters advising how to stay safe in the sun and benefits of sleep. 

Properties of Materials - Science

During this learning experience, we will be exploring the properties of materials. We will begin by investigating material properties, comparing and grouping materials by properties such as hardness, flexibility, transparency and magnetism. We will then test these properties for practical uses such as electrical and thermal conductivity and apply this to real life examples. We will explore solubility and solutions and discuss reversible and irreversible change through dissolving, mixing and separating mixtures. 

We had a go at separating mixtures using methods such as sieving and filtering.

From our experiments, we found out that some materials we picked were also insoluble, which impacted our evaluation and results.


Our next investigation focused on solubility. We used this broad question 'What affects the rate at which a solid dissolves?' to create our own experiments. See the pictures for our chosen investigations. 

We chose aluminium foil and cotton wool to test as thermal insulators, then each group picked a material of their choice: fabric, tissue paper and hessian. We used control beaker to compare our results. 

We used the broad question 'What affects the time taken for hot water to cool down?' to create an investigation focus on 'How does the type of material insulation affect the time taken for hot water to cool down?' This will help us decide which material is best suited as a thermal insulator. 

We tested materials for electrical conductivity by creating simple circuit. 

A Country Study - Geography 

In this learning experience, we will be covering the geographic curriculum objectives with a focus on trade and export. First looking at a world map locating important countries in global trade. Then we will be focusing on different cities and their exports. We will consider physical factors that influence trade. We will then see how trade routes have affected land use. Concluding our learning with a visit to the London Docklands Museum and creating our own trade project. 

We finished our learning experience with a trip to the London Museum Docklands. It was great fun! 

We located cities using the longitude and latitude coordinates. 

We locate where British products are exported to. We found out that pharmaceuticals are exported to Australia; dairy and honey are exported to the USA; black tea, shortbread and beer are exported to Japan. 

We used atlases and digital maps to locate countries and major trading cities.

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air - Music

Throughout this learning experience, we will be listening and appraising 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air' and other Hip-Hop tunes. We will be learning the song and using glockenspiels to improvise and compose instrumental additions. 

We used our 'Charanga' to support our learning and practised vocals warms, finding the pulse to the Fresh Prince Bel Air and improvised on the glokenspiels. 



This term, we will be covering App Design, Anglo-Saxons, Product Creation and Aspirations. In maths, we will be focusing on place value, addition and subtraction. In English, we will be writing to inform using our class books Wonder and The Viewer to inspire us. For PE, Palm will be doing dance and invasion games. 

Aspirations - PSHE

Throughout this learning experience, we listened to guests from various professions such as farming and accountancy to help inspire us and gain an understanding of how they got into their current job. We began the week by unpicking stereotypes in the workplace. Over the week, we spent time exploring different jobs, focussing on the skills required for the jobs and their benefits.

We had lots of questions for our speakers.  

Thank you to Dan Abnett, a local author, who has written many comics, video game scripts and novels such as Marvel! Thank you to Lucy, an accountant living in Australia, who Inspired us to travel the world and explained how her jobs has enabled her to do just that. 

Thank you to New Line Learning, whose farmers came to talk about their career progress and what their jobs involve. 

Forces - Science 

In this learning experience, we will be learning how forces work. We will carry out three investigations to identify the effects of friction, water resistance and air resistance on moving objects. Finally, we will explore the impact that levers, pulleys and gears have on forces. 

We planned a air resistance experiment and our adults came into help us conduct it.

After, we planned and carried out an experiment to test water resistance. 

First we conducted an experiment to investigate the effects of friction. 

Product Creation - DT

Within this learning experience, the children will be creating marble games/mazes for a specific purpose and audience. They will begin by carrying out research to design a product for the intended purpose of entertainment and find out what features appeal to their target audience. Using this information, the children will design, sketch and create prototypes of their products. Finally, they will create and evaluate their final product to ensure they have met the design brief.

Have a look at our final products! We then evaluated our products, answering questions such as 'What went well?' and 'What would you improve/change?' 

We made some prototypes to see if our initial designs would work. After this, we evaluated before making our final product.

Using the responses gathered by our product research interviews, we began planning and designing, creating exploded diagrams.

We began this learning experience by researching. We then use this to inform our questions and pose them to our target audience. Palm Trees interviewed children in Sycamores and Maples to gain a better understanding of what our audience would like. 

Anglo-Saxons - Scots - History

For this learning experience, we will be looking at three main enquiries, 'How did Britain change after the Romans left?', 'What was the main cause of the end to the Anglo-Saxon rule?' and 'How hard was it to invade and settle in Britain?' We will use primary and secondary sources to investigate the lives of Anglo-Saxons and the impact of the continuous raids at the time and finally, explain how the Anglo-Saxon rule came to an end.

We split into groups to research the claimants to the throne in 1066 and debated who should be the rightful heir to the throne. 

We looked at artefacts to investigate how the Anglo-Saxons lived. 

We looked at different maps to see where the Anlgo-Saxons came from and where they invaded.

App Design - Computing

During this Learning Experience, we will be creating a quiz app. Children must ensure the app interface is user-friendly to provide a good user experience. They will make prototypes and review and, where necessary.